Category: Bordeaux Wine

Bordeaux: our team’s favourite châteaux

We work with Bordeaux’s greatest producers, from First Growths to stars on the rise. To choose a single favourite château is an almost impossible task. But that’s exactly what we’ve asked our team to do. Here, some of our Claret-loving colleagues tell us about their best-loved producers. Château Haut-Bailly, Pessac-Léognan “I’ve had some fantastic experiences […]

Philip Moulin on Bordeaux

Philip Moulin, our Wine Authentication Manager, has worked with the wines of Bordeaux for his entire career. Here, he shares some insider tips and favourite memories – from the appeal of Pauillac to the educational qualities of Château Figeac. MY FAVOURITE BORDEAUX PRODUCER: AN INSIDER’S SECRET My favourite producer is Château Grand-Puy-Lacoste. I’m kicking myself […]

Bordeaux 2021: five to watch

With hundreds of châteaux releasing their wines En Primeur, it can be hard to know where to start. Here, Bordeaux Buyer Max Lalondrelle singles out five estates that should be on your wish-list for the 2021 vintage. Château Nénin, Pomerol The name “Nénin” dates back to the 16th century, but this is very much an […]

Why you should collect Sauternes

Barely one percent of the wine made in Bordeaux is sweet. But just a sip of a golden Sauternes or honeyed Barsac is enough to leave a lasting impression. Here, we take a look at the virtues of this luscious liquid – and why it should be a key part of your wine collection. “I […]