Category: Bordeaux Wine

Bordeaux 2022: St Estèphe

Our next Bordeaux 2022 En Primeur report covers the commune of St Estèphe. Visits and tastings with the appellation’s key producers have presented our team with “a wide selection of styles”. Mark Pardoe MW, our Wine Director, takes a closer look at why that is – and highlights some of the standout wines. St Estèphe […]

Bordeaux 2022: Pauillac

The commune that boasts no fewer than three First Growths has produced “some very impressive wines” in 2022, says Mark Pardoe MW. In this report, our Wine Director looks at the appellation in more detail – and highlights the wines to seek out in our Bordeaux 2022 En Primeur offer. Pauillac 2022 in a nutshell: […]

Bordeaux 2022: St Julien

Having tasted at all the appellation’s key châteaux, our Bordeaux Buyers have a clear picture of St Julien in 2022. The best wines are “generous and enveloping”, says Mark Pardoe MW. Here, our Wine Director tells us more about the vintage and the estates to seek out in our Bordeaux 2022 En Primeur offer. St […]

Bordeaux 2022: Margaux

Our vintage reports now turn to the Médoc and the wines of Margaux – the biggest surprise of the year for our Buying team, says Mark Pardoe MW. Here, our Wine Director takes a look at the vintage and highlights the most successful wines. Margaux 2022 in a nutshell: the appellation which surprised us the […]