Category: Bordeaux Wine

En Primeur season is almost open…and we’re off this weekend to bag us a few beauties!

It’s going to be a tricky one to be honest. If Oliver (our Fine Wine Purchasing Manager) and I hadn’t just tried a handful of 2007s in February (watch out for a spellbinding 2007 Ch. Giscours this year…as long as the price is correct it’s a cellar must-have) I would be packing my well used tasting […]

Fine Wine Market Update

The Fine Wine Market enjoyed an eagerly anticipated boom from late 2005.  Prices had been somewhat flat for a couple of years and the top wines, particularly those from the 1996 & 2000 Bordeaux vintages, were beginning to look exceptionally cheap.  By early 2006 the bull was up and running, fed by massive demand from […]