Category: Spirits

Vermut point

Vermouth – the hauntingly herbal element that elevates gin to a Martini – is extremely à la mode. Here our Spirits Specialist Rob Whitehead reveals the drink’s appeal – both on the rocks and in classic cocktails While it would be preposterous to even attempt to be certain about such things, it’s not impossible that […]

The Martini

Stylish, simple, sophisticated and very, very strong – Emily Miles explores why no other drink can match the Martini The gleam of glassware; the clatter of ice in shaker; the careful placement of pristine, starched napkin squares and taut-skinned olives: there is an exquisite theatre that surrounds a perfectly executed, perfectly presented cocktail. And no […]

Unlocking No.3

Following the inaugural “Unlock Taste” cocktail tournament, turning our Napoleon Cellar into a veritable gin den, Alexis Self reports on all the action, including the winning recipe What’s the collective term for a group of beards? A bunch? No. A flock? Surely not. Anyway, whatever it is – a clowder…? On Tuesday 9th May, the […]

Penny Blue VSOP: four ways

To mark the arrival of Penny Blue VSOP on our shelves, Mixology Specialist (and rum enthusiast) Jess Cheeseman has created four signature serves for this softly spiced spirit When looking at Penny Blue VSOP, it was important, for me, to keep a tropical influence in the cocktails. While working on the concepts for the drinks, I […]