Category: Spirits

Introducing High Coast whisky

As the Swedish whiskies of High Coast arrive on our list, Tom Van de Pette introduces the distillery and its elegant spirits

The power of funk: Hampden rum

Some bottles mean a little bit more than others. Our Spirits Buyer Rob Whitehead explains how the funk of Hampden’s rums (not to mention Stevie Wonder) has shaped him

How to do dry January in style

If you’re making up for Christmas indulgence or on a strict regime this month, abstinence needn’t mean a glass half-empty. We’ve put together three delicious cocktails that just happen to have either no, or next-to-no, alcohol in them

Gin: the everlasting thirst

The world of gin continues to expand; and, whether it’s the latest release from a major brand or a new micro-distillery creation, it can be hard to see the gin for the, well, gin. Here’s our short-list of the three most exciting gins right now