Category: Food & Wine

Bilbey’s Christmas Day Wine

Well it’s that time of year when Berrys’ Fine Wine Team are having sleepless nights and waking up in cold sweats…What will the Christmas Day wine list be this year! It has been a matter of much contention in the office but after weeks of rumours, soul searching and money lending, I have finally come […]

No starch in my boxers thanks

One of the numerous upsides of working in this great industry is that every now and again you get invited to places that are impossible to get into. A case in point was a few weeks ago being asked to the fabled French Laundry in Napa, California. Always in the top three restaurants of the […]

St. Patrick’s Day Food & Wine

With St. Patrick’s Day looming on the Emerald Isle our thoughts are turning to all things Irish. What is classic Irish cuisine? And what are the perfect wine matches for contemporary Celtic gastronomy? There was a time when boiled bacon and cabbage was considered a traditional dish to be served on St. Patrick’s Day. Nowadays […]