Category: Food & Wine

Bank Holiday BBQs

The Whitsun bank holiday at the end of May is almost here and the whole of Britain is hoping for good weather, but even if the recent spate of sunny days comes to an end, hundreds of men (and women!) up and down the country will be braving the elements and dusting off the barbecues […]

Easter Treats

Chocolate is notoriously difficult to match with wine – it takes a bit of experimentation to find good combinations. As a general rule, when matching wines with chocolate, the darker the chocolate, the more full bodied and rich the wine should be. Here’s a few ideas of what to do with your left over Easter […]

Lamb of the gods

If you gave something up for Lent, rest assured, it’s almost over! So over Easter treat yourself to an indulgent lunch with family and friends. There’s something special about traditional Pascal Lamb at Easter time and when it comes to choosing the perfect wine to match, there are several factors to consider:

Fine wine at reasonable prices in restaurants? Well I never……

The UK restaurant scene has changed beyond all recognition in the last 5 years. The boom years of the early and mid noughties has been replaced by more stringent times. Faced with the harsh realities of a global economic down turn, weak stirling and rapidly rising food prices restaurateurs in the UK have had to […]