Category: Rhône Wine

Rhône wasn’t built in a day

Simon Field MW fondly recalls his early experiences as our Rhône Buyer, and the growth of the offer – both in volume and status – in recent years The launch of our annual Rhône offer is, as usual, a source of great satisfaction and an opportunity to reflect on the process of its gestation and, maybe […]

A fine and frosty expedition

The newest member of our Fine Wine team, Nick Stewart, recounts the adventures of the team’s trip to the decidedly chilly Rhône, from transport concerns to canteen offerings, via a few of the wines from the 2013 vintage. I first visited the Rhône Valley four years ago and suffice to say that the itinerary wasn’t […]

Rhône is where the heart is

Adam Holden, our Rhône Specialist, provides a brief glimpse of a few key highlights from the forthcoming 2013 en primeur offer. It’s fair to say that 2013 was not a stellar year for Bordeaux, so, how accurately does this reflect on the rest of France? It is a big country (398,099.474 square miles), with an […]

What to drink in 2015: Rhône

In our latest chapter on the wines to uncork in 2015, Adam Holden – Rhône Specialist – examines vintages past from this fabled French region Anyone lucky enough to have reds in the cellar from the outstanding 1985, 1989 and 1990 vintages should consider finding a good excuse to enjoy them this year; though wines from the great […]