Category: Old World

Riesling: a sticky past and racy future

This month Damian Carrington – Agency Director of Fields, Morris and Verdin – pays tribute to the Riesling grape, a varietal whose reputation has suffered in recent years, but produces exceptional wines both for sipping on their own and partnering food. There is a part of me that will forever remain a school boy, a trait […]

The last word in festive wines – part three

Laura Atkinson, Private Account Manager in our Fine Wine team, discovers a wealth of potential new faces for the Christmas table from Alsace, Austria and Germany Despite its diminutive size, Alsace is home to many of the world’s finest white wines; from the majestic and ancient Riesling grape, the exuberant Pinot Gris or the richly-flavoured […]

The last word in festive wines – part two

Adam Holden, Account Manager for our Wholesale Team, turns his expert gaze to the south of France for vinous inspiration befitting the Christmas season The reinvention of the south continues apace. Since the dark days when ‘Vin du Midi’ was more synonymous with quantity than quality, the South of France has become a centre of […]

The last word in festive wines – part one

Our trio of Berry Bros. & Rudd team members – Anne McHale MW, Edwin Dublin and Barbara Drew – have pooled their wisdom to divine the on-trend wines worth entertaining this Christmas, from Champagne, Burgundy and the Loire Anne McHale MW on Burgundy  Beaujolais is making a comeback. As a whole the region is gradually […]