Category: Miscellaneous

A Mother’s Day bouquet

With Mother’s Day in mind, we speak to florist Mairead Curtin from Rebel Rebel, who explores the relationship between flowers and wine, celebratory partners that are often closer than one might think Rebel Rebel owes its existence to wine. Over one delicious bottle around my kitchen table gazing at a bunch of flowers that my partner had bought […]

How En Primeur works

En Primeur is not without its controversies: here we explain how the system of selling wine before it was bottled began, and how the system works in Bordeaux It is important to stress that in Bordeaux, the En Primeur concept has only ever really applied to the very best addresses: around 30 estates, with another […]

The meaning of value

What is a good value wine? We ask Wine Director, Mark Pardoe MW, for his thoughts on what “value” really means Value, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. There cannot be a universal definition of value as the concept must always be a subjective one. A sense of value is arrived at […]

Winter’s bounty

Winter doesn’t have to mean steering away from the exotic. While blood oranges are still in season, our Head Chef Stewart Turner suggests something delicious and vitamin-rich, to ward off the dreaded winter colds I always find it amazing that even in the depths of winter we are blessed with some of the most vibrant […]