Category: Champagne and Sparkling Wine

An English Ambassador in Champagne

Having won the UK final of the Champagne Ambassador in September last year (a competition run by the Champagne Information Bureau, who are the London base for the the CIVC, Champagne’s regulatory body), I followed up with the European final in Champagne itself. This took place at the end of three days touring the region visiting […]

Champagne; Sent (up) in Dispatches

For Channel Four to devote a whole hour to the Wine Trade, at peak time, is a rare enough event – good news one might think. But wait, do I not recognise the Dispatches correspondent? Is it not The Sun’s fragrant trouble-maker at large, Jane Moore? A putative ignorance of wine is of course essential, […]

Innovative Roederer launches new website

Louis Roederer, a wonderful family-owned Champagne house founded in 1776, has a tremendous reputation for quality and the successful marriage of tradition and innovation. To stay ahead of the game, the house has now also launched a new interactive website designed by Paris-based French agency Duke, which intends to embrace innovation by involving the user […]

Bow down to British Bubbly

Thanks in part to warmer temperatures (2007 was the second warmest year in the UK in 356 years) more and more English land is becoming suitable for wine production and perhaps in 50 years time, England will be able to compete with Champagne. Today, there are 1,000 vineyards in England across Kent, Hampshire, Essex and […]