The art of resolve

As many are choosing what to relinquish for the New Year, Wine and Spirit Education Specialist Barbara Drew argues for an alternative approach – embracing a new indulgence that will last beyond January’s chill Resolutions, resolve. These words, to me, conjure up images of earnest UN envoys staying up, late into the night, to discuss […]

How to make wine: white

The first in our mini-series examining exactly how wine goes from grape to glass, here Barbara Drew from our Wine School team explains the process for making white wine By their nature, white wines are more fragile than reds; without the antioxidant properties of tannins to protect them, the juice and wines themselves can quickly […]

Our guide to wine at Christmas

As 25th December approaches, Barbara Drew, a member of our expert Wine School team, offers some wise words on how to keep Christmas chaos at bay – and the wine flowing. The table piled high with a hefty bird, plus trimmings; a constant battle to avoid flaming more than the Christmas pud as paper hats […]

Down in the dirt

In light of a recent study, Barbara Drew – Wine School Tutor – inspects the importance of bugs and bacteria when it comes to the controversial topic of terroir. Terroir; an oft-discussed theme in the world of wine, encompassing everything from a vineyard’s microclimate, the way the hills and hollows of a slope collect air […]