Tag: dom perignon

Delving into Dom Pérignon

Centuries of history, tradition and critical acclaim have ensured Dom Pérignon is, today, one of Champagne’s most-loved premium brands. With its 2015 vintage now released, we spoke to Dom Pérignon’s Cellar Master, Vincent Chaperon, to find out more about the story and philosophies behind the iconic name. Dom Pérignon is one of Champagne’s most recognised names. Its […]

Dom Pérignon: we speak to Vincent Chaperon

Vincent Chaperon became Chef de Cave at Dom Pérignon in 2019. Here, he talks about daily life, climate change and the launch of the 2003 Plénitude 2.  Could you describe your role as Chef de Cave at Dom Pérignon?   It’s extremely diverse, involving not only everything related to the vine, winemaking and maturation in the cellars, but also communicating about our Champagne, creating […]

2008 Champagne: tasting the prestige cuvées

The 2008 Champagne vintage is considered one of the region’s best ever. With most of the prestige cuvées now on the market, we asked Champagne Specialist Edwin Dublin to see whether the wines live up to the vintage’s reputation, and whether 2008 really is the best Champagne vintage The 2008 Champagne vintage resulted in some of the […]

How Champagne got its bubbles

The Champagne region wasn’t always known for sparkling wine. Sophie Thorpe uncovers how the region discovered the bubbles that made its name