Category: Sustainability

Adventures in your garden: Mexico

This summer, we’re taking you on a tour of some of our favourite wine and spirits regions via their cultural riches. Here, Alexandra Gray de Walden introduces you to the colourful magic of Mexico. As the opening bars of Carlos Santana’s “Corazón Espinado” flow across the breeze and a cooling gush of Tequila and tonic […]

Caroline Frey: second nature

Caroline Frey is owner and head winemaker at Paul Jaboulet Aîné in the Rhône, Château La Lagune in Bordeaux and a domaine in Burgundy – she also has vines in the Swiss Valais. What has she learned from the people and the land of these diverse wine regions? Here, Alexandra Gray de Walden finds out. […]

Regenerative viticulture

How can viticulture revitalise one of our most precious resources? In our 2022 Sustainability Report, Wine Director Mark Pardoe MW takes a closer look at how the choices of winemakers can impact the environment through regenerative viticulture. We work with some of the world’s finest wine producers, very often using organic and biodynamic methods to […]

How sustainable are glass wine bottles?

Since the 17th century, wine and glass have proved to be an enduring, unbeatable partnership. But why have glass wine bottles remained the packaging of choice – and what environmental impact are these having on the industry? Adam Holden explains. At our St James’ home in London, you can view the evolution of glass wine […]