Category: Miscellaneous

On the table: Gezellig

From cereal cafés to pasta served in wheels of Parmesan, there’s no shortage of novel eateries in London. Sophie Thorpe delights in the delicious ease of a meal at Gezellig, a Holborn establishment proving how good classic can be

What are amphorae?

Amphorae – clay jars used to ferment and/or age wine – are an emblem of the natural wine scene. While their renaissance might have been tied to a hands-off approach, these ancient vessels are being adopted by winemakers across the globe – but why?

From the archives: the “Ansafone”

We aim always to keep up to date with the latest technology at Berry Bros. & Rudd. In autumn 1961, we published a note in our Number Three magazine, informing our customers of the latest gizmo to land at No.3, an “Ansafone”

The cocktail hour

There are few better things in life than a really good cocktail – but you needn’t be a master mixologist to shake one up at home. Here are three easy serves to savour on a summer evening