Category: Miscellaneous

Beyond Bordeaux: nay

In response to yesterday’s post claiming that exploration is essential to the enjoyment of wine, Peter Newton considers the limits of discovery, suggesting that one should stick to the unswerving staples of a cellar. Let’s start with a fundamental truth: life is too short to drink bad wine. I could almost end my argument there, […]

Beyond Bordeaux: yea

This month two members of our Fine Wine team battle it out over whether one should seek the comfort of classic regions, or – as Martyn Rolph argues here – constantly push ones vinous boundaries in search of something new. As Forrest Gump once said – or at least Tom Hanks in an amicable southern […]

Tips for tackling wine lists

The infernal, eternal wine list can prove intimidating even for expert oenophiles. Here, Steffan Griffiths from our Private Wine Events team provides the ultimate guide to fearlessly navigating a restaurant’s wine list. Restaurant wine lists can sometimes feel like the arch-nemeses of the budding wine enthusiast: providing one with so much choice you have no […]

Sicily in stills

Returning from an arduous trip to Sicily with our award-winning photographer Jason Lowe, our Creative Director Geordie Willis supplies a selection of snap-shots, capturing the region in still life. It is a sad fact that wine is made in some of the most beautiful places around the world, often by some of the most fascinating […]