Category: Miscellaneous

When it comes to grapes, should we go native? Nay

In our ongoing series of debates on suitably vinous topics, Guy Davies defends the use of the so-called ‘international’ varieties, the jet-set of grapes that produce Ch. Margaux, Sassicaia and Opus One. For all the wonderful complexities and intellectual pleasures that wine can offer, it is about one thing above all else: pleasure. Should not […]

On the range

Our Wine Buying Director, Mark Pardoe MW explains the thinking behind our restructured Own Selection, highlighting just a few of the changes to the range. After a gestation even longer than an elephant’s, our new Own Selection range finally emerged on Wednesday 2nd September, blinking in the lights of our new Sussex Cellar, and under […]

Honouring the past, inspiring the present

As our Own Selection wines parade their smart new labels, Harry Pearce – partner at Pentagram, the international agency behind their design – discusses the challenge of balancing the heritage of Berry Bros. & Rudd with a touch of modernity. The redesign of the Berry Bros. & Rudd Own Selection wines has been more than a […]

Our very Own Selection

As we launch our newly extended and re-designed Own Selection range, Geordie Willis – eighth-generation family member and our Creative Director – considers what it means for a wine to be bottled under our own label. House wines have earned a reputation over the years of being somewhat bog-standard; uninspiring, nameless bottles languishing on a […]