Category: Miscellaneous

Make the most of BBX

With BBX, our fine wine exchange, you can buy and sell through Berry Bros. & Rudd’s community of fine-wine lovers. With around 8,000 wines listed, it can be hard to know where to start. So we asked the secondary market experts from our BBX team for some pointers on what to buy, sell (or drink) […]

Adventures in your garden: Mexico

This summer, we’re taking you on a tour of some of our favourite wine and spirits regions via their cultural riches. Here, Alexandra Gray de Walden introduces you to the colourful magic of Mexico. As the opening bars of Carlos Santana’s “Corazón Espinado” flow across the breeze and a cooling gush of Tequila and tonic […]

Adventures in your garden: Spain

This summer, we’re taking you on a tour of some of our favourite wine regions via their cultural riches. Here, Charlie Geoghegan takes us on a food, wine and music-based journey through Spain.  As a kid, my idea of going on holiday was inextricably linked to Spain. I grew up in Dublin in the early […]

A day in the life of our educators

Our cellars at No.3 St James’s Street have been home to tastings, lunches and dinners for well over two decades. From introductory wine courses to exclusive events with some of the finest producers in the world, there is always something going on. But what does hosting such events actually involve? We spoke to two of […]