Category: Italian Wine

Meeting Bibi Graetz

This month, we announced our exclusive partnership with Bibi Graetz. During his latest visit to No.3 St James’s Street, we caught up with Bibi on his latest experiments, the power of terroir, and his legacy of turning Tuscany on its head.  Bibi Graetz is far from your standard Tuscan winemaker. Since founding his eponymous winery […]

Guidalberto: a rising star of Bolgheri

Tenuta San Guido’s Guidalberto is an exceptional wine and a wonderful expression of its legendary Bolgheri terroir. Now, justifiably, it’s being celebrated in its own right, rather than compared to others that came before it. We spoke to Priscilla Incisa della Rochetta, the third-generation face of Tenuta San Guido, about how – and why – […]

Graci: finding an equilibrium on Etna

Etna is an astoundingly unique winemaking region, subject to extremities of climate found nowhere else in the world. Yet – as Alberto Graci explained at our inaugural Sustainability Forum last week – these challenges don’t discourage winemakers here from efforts to protect the environment; rather, they encourage them.  A volcano needs to erupt just once […]

Ageing Barolo: your questions answered

Last week saw our release of the 2019 Barolo vintage. We held our annual Piedmont tasting in our cellars at No.3 St. James’s Street last Monday. Joining us were a host of the region’s finest producers, a multitude of delicious wines, and of course – our customers, who had some fascinating questions about the region.   Barolo […]