The history and heritage of The King’s Ginger

The King’s Ginger – our favourite ginger and lemon liqueur – is steeped in 117 years of history, since its inception in 1903. The story behind it is just as colourful as the king it was named for. I speak to Ronnie Cox, our Brands Heritage Director, to uncover the details of its rich heritage.   The King and his neighbourhood In […]

Extraordinary designs: Four years of Good Ordinary Claret label art

Good Ordinary Claret. Beguilingly simple, it alludes to the dependable familiarity you’d expect from an old friend – while hinting, ever so subtly, that this wine is more than just ordinary.   Our everyday label depicts a timeless scene: our home at No.3 St James’s Street. It situates Good Ordinary Claret at the heart of our brand, in a corner of London which has long been associated with life’s good […]

A closer look: our new Own Selection Chardonnay

We are lucky enough to work with some of the world’s best producers to create our Own Selection wines. Each new addition comes about as the result of our strong relationship with a particular producer, and our total belief in the wines they’re making. We’re extremely proud of our dazzling Californian Chardonnay Berry Bros. & […]

What we’re drinking: Our favourite wines

Our experts relish any opportunity to help you discover something new – as much as they love a good wine itself. Here are a few of their favourites, from Bollinger’s lesser-known Pinot Noir to Hambledon’s sparkling wine. So dive in, find out what our team are drinking, and perhaps you’ll find a new favourite, too. […]