Tag: wine

Arrivederci! The curtain falls on eight months in Piemonte

So what began with a farce: ‘Don Pasquale’ at Turin’s La Regio…culminated, tragically so with a mesmerizing performance of ‘La Traviata’ on late Sunday afternoon.   And no, the interim wasn’t all ice-cream & chocolates but a privileged insight into another world; a world free of traffic lights, bungalows and political correctness but full of charm, […]

Harvest at the Mascarellos’ Santo Stefano di Perno vineyard

In my penultimate report on the successful 2009 Barolo and Barbaresco harvest I interview Giuseppe and his mother Maria Teresa Mascarello in their Santo Stefano di Perno vineyard, Monforte. It speaks volumes that this iron-rich, sandy calcareous site should picked last among their formidable stable of Barolo vineyards; later even than Monprivato and Ca d’Morissio. […]

An update from Burgundy

As I looked out of my window yesterday morning, everything seemed perfect – as expected it was one of the hottest days of the year at around 35c and, so far, August has been absolutely delightful. There was enough rainfall early in the year to keep the water table up and avoid the risk of […]

An Oasis 10 minutes from St Emilion

Just back from a glorious two weeks away and I thought I’d share a true find. We drove, taking the great overnight Brittany Ferry crossing from Portsmouth to St Malo (a marvelous meal, a movie in one of four cinemas and a great and spacious Commadore Cabin), five hours to Bordeaux and then a very […]